Therapeutic Books for Children
Now Available:
The first two books in the series, 'You Can't Hide An Elephant'.
These invaluable books are designed for supported reading for children aged 7-12.
For parents, therapists, social workers, counsellors, psychologists, welfare officers and group facilitators.
You Can't Hide An Elephant
BOOK 1 - A Children's Book About Mental Health

This beautifully illustrated book is used as supported reading for children with a parent with a diagnosed mental illness.
The book encourages the 'elephant in the room' or the stigma of mental illness, to be discussed openly in an age appropriate manner.
A wonderful book for families facing the associated challenges when a parent has a mental illness.
The story is told through the voice of a female middle child.
This book comes with a Safety Plan to complete with appropriate support. The book is the perfect way to start a conversation about mental health, feelings and experiences. It provides hope and guides the development of strategies that will help to empower children.
It is a wonderful resource for therapists, case workers, counsellors, welfare officers, social workers, mental health
nurses, group facilitators and parents.
Can you find the key on every page?
To Order: email
Cost: $26 inc postage for single copies within Australia. Add $15 for overseas purchases
email for multiple copy discounts or overseas postage costs
A Children's Book About Mental Health
Final price
You can't hide an elephant
BOOK 2 - A Children's Book About Family Violence

This invaluable book is designed to be used as supported reading for children who have experienced family violence.
The book is a wonderful way to start a conversation about family violence in an age appropriate manner.
It also helps children voice their feelings about their personal experience.
The story is told through the voice of the eldest boy, and identifies situations that children may face when someone in the family has been using violence.
Children readily identify with the boy's feelings, which are conveyed thoughtfully within the text and illustrations.
The book comes with a Safety Plan to complete and is 'must have' resource for therapists, case workers,
group facilitators, refuge workers, welfare officers and parents.
Can you find the padlock on every page?
To Order: email
Cost: $20 plus $6 postage for single copies within Australia. Add $15 for USA or Europe sales
Email for multiple copy discounts or overseas postage costs
A Children's Book About Family Violence
Final price